Month: November 2014



使徒行传讲述一段精彩的教会扩张时期,但当时的神奇经历是否为我们今天奠定教会模式?本课程将帮你解答关于圣灵工作和教会事工的难题。课程内容包括使徒行传背景、结构、内容,并深入探讨重要主题,还有如何将使徒行传应用于现今的准则。本课程是根据Dr. Hans F. Bayer 的DVD系列编写。


我们当中许多人都读过系统神学,但很少有人探究过其背后发展的过程。本课对系统神学形成的步骤做了解读,特别对系统神学术语,神学命题及教义性宣言的形成做了解读。 本课对系统神学的合理性,在系统神学成形过程中人类理性所占地位,以及系统神学的益处及危害进行了察考。 本课根据普拉特博士「第三千年国」DVD系列编写。


对你来说,神学有时看起来会很复杂、枯燥、抽象吗?神学如果能阐释的适当,它本不该令你有如此的感受。 本课将在圣经经文的基础上,帮助你学习建立起你的神学理念,这当然要合情合理,而且还要能实际地应用。 作为对神学的介绍,本课对神学研究的目的及重要性、启示的不同来源、启示的含义、正确的释经、改革宗神学关键且显著的重点做了教导。本课是根据普拉特博士「第三千年国」DVD系列编写的。


圣经神学虽然常被忽视,却极大地丰富了我们对经文的学习。 本课会随着圣经神学在经文中的进展,将重点放在圣经神学的历史发展上。 本课阐述了圣经神学的含义,察考了研读圣经的方法,对圣经的正统性做出了辩护,并提供了旧约及新约的例证,显明圣经是有益的。 本课根据普拉特博士「第三千年国」DVD系列编写。


摩西为什么选择他那种方式讲述亚伯拉罕的故事?这个故事对今天的我们有何意义?本课从一个基督徒的角度,分析了创世记十一10至二十五18亚伯拉罕的生平。内容包括这段经文的文学结构、原始含义及其在当代的应用。 本课根据普拉特博士「第三千年国」DVD系列编写。


本课分析了创世记一至十一章的背景、文学结构、原初含义、神学目的及其在当代的应用。 摩西为什么选择那种方式讲述创造、堕落、大洪水以及巴别塔的故事? 本课根据普拉特博士「第三千年国」DVD系列编写。


本课程对保罗在监狱所写的四封书信(歌罗西书、以弗所书,腓利门书和腓立比书)做出分析。身为基督徒,我们在信仰上面对许多挑战。我们对基督的忠诚受到异端教导和世界观的冲击。苦难使我们对上帝的主权质疑,或者认为他并没为我们的利益设想。我们与其他信徒的关系常常紧张到令我们质疑教会的价值;但保罗的狱中书信对这类难题做出了回应。本课程是根据由第三千禧年神学资源中心所制作 Dr. Reggie M. Kidd 的DVD系列编写。

Let’s turn to John chapter 8 and the account of the woman caught in adultery

Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don’t miss the start of this dramatic story.

out of sight . . .

Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 has been a blessing to me, but it’s also slightly confusing. How are we supposed to grasp the full measure of God’s love for us when it’s beyond our ability to understand? An experience with my son can help answer that question.

Who Shields Us?

Recently, I felt God’s calling do something for the society. As a university student, it crossed my mind to venture into social entrepreneurship, and to incorporate Christian principles and values into my business. But while I was enthusiastic about the idea, the responses I received when I communicated my plans with […]

Hope In Suffering

When I opened my Bible to read Jeremiah 1 through 4, the subhead ascribed to the book startled me: “Hope in Time of Weeping.” I almost cried. The timing was perfect, as I was walking through a season of weeping over the death of my mom.

He will restore

The alarm clock rang promptly at 7 in the morning. Sophie woke up with a bad headache, but she thought nothing of it. She pushed away the covers and got out of bed. Suddenly, as a stroke devastated her brain, darkness descended and she collapsed to the floor. Sadly, situations like this one have been a reality for many people over the years.

Outlasting Bitterness

During the Second World War, Corrie ten Boom’s family owned a watchmaking business in the Netherlands, and they actively worked to protect Jewish families. Eventually, the entire ten Boom family was sent to a concentration camp, where Corrie’s father died 10 days later. Her sister Betsie also died in the camp. While Betsie and Corrie were in the camp together, Betsie’s faith helped to strengthen Corrie’s.

not far from us

Scientists tell us that the chemical element carbon is the building block of life. Hidden from the naked eye, this vital atom is in everything, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. In fact, carbon makes up nearly 20 percent of the human body.

The Warmth Of The Sun

On a November day in 1963, the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson and Mike Love wrote a song quite unlike the band’s typically upbeat tunes. It was a mournful song about love that’s been lost. Mike said later, “As hard as that kind of loss is, the one good that comes from it is having had the experience of being in love in the first place.” They titled it “The Warmth of the Sun.”

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